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The Full Story

I have always loved the small business scene.  My degree was in accounting and I have used that as a solid foundation to "speak the language of business".  After specializing in S-corp tax planning for a decade, I realized that Quickbooks and tax returns is not my passion.  Each year I would meet with my business owner clients and the conversation would always drift into the different challenges they we facing.  I would get excited to help and hop up and start brainstorming on my whiteboard.  They would leave with more clarity than they arrived with and it was fun.  However, I didn't have the bandwidth to really help support them so they could see their plans through and work through roadblocks. Eventually I decided to sell my CPA tax practice and focus my time in really giving the support I know they needed.  I wanted to be the "next step" on their business journeys.  That is what I totally committed to do now.  I use my super power to digest the business numbers and then help create actionable business plans for those that are serious about building a business (and not just owning a job).  If you are between $1M and $5M chances are, I am exactly what your business journey needs.  Lets chat.  I am just a regular guy who loves helping other business owners create and maintain positive momentum in their business lives.  


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